Transversely Pulse-Initiated Chemical Lasers: Atmospheric-Pressure Operation of an HF Laser

Chemical laser action at atmospheric pressure has been observed from vibrational‐rotational transitions of HF produced by multiple transverse spark discharges in C3H8–He–SF6 mixtures. Lasing action was also observed when C4F8, C2F6, or CF4 replaced the SF6 and H2, CH4, C2H6, or C4H10 replaced C3H8. Peak‐pulse powers in excess of 0.5 MW were obtained at low pressures; at atmospheric pressure, peak powers were of the order of 30 kW. In some instances, the laser was superradiant at pressures up to 1 atm. P‐branch transitions from the v=3, 2, 1 vibrational levels of HF were observed. The pumping reaction was F + RH = HF + R.