Cross sections for the formation of four isobars of A=72 from bombardment of As75 with 2.9-Bev protons are reported. The cross sections as a function of Z fit a Gaussian curve with a peak at Z=32.3 and a width at half-maximum of 1.4 charge units. Cross sections for six other nuclides in the mass range 66A74 were also measured, and their cross sections lie close to the Gaussian when plotted against ZZA, with the exception of As74. An analysis of the yields of Ga72 and Zn72 indicates that most of the Zn72 is not formed in a (p, 4p) reaction but in a (p, 3pnπ+) reaction, or similar process in which one or more π+ mesons are emitted, with a cross section of >0.018 mb.