The Problem of Estimating the Number of Loci Determining Quantitative Variation in Haploid Organisms

Methods are developed for the application of formulae devised for diploid organisms. Formulae are derived for the estimation of the number of loci (k) directly from haploid material. The means of parents (A and B), f1, and backcross generations (bA and bB) are shown to be related to each other as follows (where d is the contribution (+ or -) of a single allele): MA = kd; MB - -kd; Mf1 = 0; MbA= l/4kd; MbB = -l/2kd. The heritable variances a2 in the i\ and backcross generations are shown to be: H f[image] responding minimal estimates of k, where A is the difference of parent means, are: [image] Application of these formulae to Neurospora is discussed.