The influence of psychotropic drugs on aldolase, mitochondrial malic dehydrogenase and Mg++Na+K+ adenosine triphosphatase

1 . The experiment investigated the effects of psychotropic drugs on enzymes in vitro. 2 . Chlorpromazine inhibits mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase in concentrations of 1·4 × 10−4m and above. No effect was observed below this concentration. 3 . A sharp inflection in the 1/V/drug plot was also seen with chlorpromazine (1·4 × 10−4m), trifluoperazine (1 × 10−5m), prochlorperazine (1 × 10−4m), and amylobarbitone (8 × 10−3m) acting on rat brain (Na+-K+-) Mg++-ATPase and with chlorpromazine (10−4m) and imipramine (3 × 10−4m) acting on aldolase.