The resonance broadening of homogeneous Cs vapor in absorption was studied by means of the contour method. The intensities were obtained via the method of "astigmatic photometry" by utilizing the astigmatism of the Rowland grating. The pressure of the homogeneous absorbing vapor ranged from 102 to 17.5 mm Hg. The half breadth γ varied rather linearly with the number of atoms per unit volume, with (γ1N)×107=1.45, (γ2N)×107 for the P322 and P122 eomponents of the resonance lines, respectively. The average value of the ratio of half breadths γ1γ2 was found to be 1.8. The experimental half-width γ is found to be about 1½ times larger than that predicted by W. V. Houston. Below pressures of 10 mm Hg the lines exhibited symmetrical broadening according to the "dispersion" formula. At higher pressures indications of a violet and red asymmetry are present for the P322 and P122 components, respectively. A definite band on the red side of the P322 and one on the violet side of the P122 was observed.