
The complications of corneal infections are very easily forgotten now that antibiotics and corticosteroids are a common therapeutic regimen. It is well, therefore, to reemphasize that so-called antibiotic-resistant corneal infections may be due to fungi. Although the reported cases are relatively few, an increasing number have appeared in the recent literature. Reports by Ley and Sanders1; Roberts2; Schardt, Unsworth, and Hayes3; Ziobrowski,4 and Veirs and Davis5 have illustrated the difficulties in management of fungus infections. Six enucleated eyes received in the Pathology Department of the Kresge Eye Institute since September, 1955, proved to have fungi demonstrable in corneal abscesses on histologic examination. In only one instance was clinical evidence of fungus infection obtained prior to enucleation. The six cases are herein reported as follows: Report of Cases Case 1. —This 59-year-old white man gave a history of getting sawdust and bark in his left eye