Albumen Embedding and Individual Mounting of One or Many Mammalian Ova on Slides for Fluid Processing

For studies of ova with the light or electron microscope, as well as for autoradiographic and histochemical studies, these cells need to be sectioned. The handling of individual, often hard-to-obtain, cells through fluid processing by micropipettes is time-consuming and can easily cause damage or loss of valuable specimens. A number of interesting methods have been described for handling ova or free-floating cells. In these methods cells are commonly handled in containers with fine-mesh, wire cloth bottoms, when a number of cells are involved. Unfortunately they all require special equipment not readily or easily available (Buchanan 1965; Rinaldi et al. 1966; Izquierdo 1967; Shands 1968). In our method, egg white provides a supporting matrix for mouse ova and allows one or several specimens to be mounted on a slide.