Über den Gehalt von Cholin, Acetylcholin und Carnitin im Muskel.

In skeletal muscle of the pig and dog neither free choline nor acetyl-choline can be demonstrated. When skeletal muscle preparations from dogs and pigs are tested on dog or mouse intestine or on frog rectus muscle there is no evidence of the presence of acetyl-choline. In dog and pig muscle there is no increase in chemically determinate free choline on standing at 37[degree] (in contrast to liver and placenta). In an aqueous extract of skeletal muscle no choline can be obtained by hydrolysis and testing with gold precipitation (in contrast to liver and placenta). Controls prove that skeletal "muscle does not destroy choline compounds. The choline obtained from skeletal muscle (Kenoshita) as well as the acetyl-choline isolated by Bischoff et al. is probably carnitin mistaken for choline; in pig muscle there was demonstrated 0.02% to 0.2% content of carnitin chloride.