Milham, S., Jr. (Washington State Department of Social and Health Services, Division of Health, Olympia Airport, Olympia, Washington 98501). Leukemia and multiple myeloma in farmers. Amer J Epidem 94: 307–310, 1971.—Analysis of deaths from leukemia-lymphoma group cancers and occupation as stated on death certificates revealed a statistically significant association between farming occupations and death from leukemia and multiple myeloma. No such association was seen for Hodgkin's disease, reticulum cell sarcoma, or other lymphomas. The leukemia-farming association was strongest in men under age 60 with lymphatic and acute types of leukemia. Poultry farmers showed the highest proportionate case excess in the leukemia study. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that agricultural environments contain agents which may cause leukemia.