Mapping the murine Xce locus with (CA)n repeats

The X Chromosome (Chr) controlling element locus (Xce) in the mouse has been shown to influence the X inactivation process. Xce maps to the central region of the X Chr, which also contains the Xist sequence, itself possibly implicated in the X inactivation process. Three microsatellite markers spanning the Xist locus have been isolated from an Xist containing YAC. All three microsatellite markers showed complete linkage with Xce in recombinants for the central span of the mouse X Chr between Ta and Mo blo and strong linkage disequilibrium with Xce in all but one of the inbred mouse strains tested. In the standard Xce b typing strain JU/Ct, the two microsatellites most closely flanking Xist fail to carry the allelic forms expected if Xist and Xce are synonymous. Alternative explanations for this finding are presented in the context of our search for understanding the relation between Xist and Xce.