Some Improvements in the Determination of Benzo [α] Pyrene in Air Samples

The earliest measurements of benz[α]pyrene (BαP) in air samples were almost exclusively based on chroma-tography on alumina columns followed by ultraviolet absorption, in spite of the fact that the original discovery and isolation of BαP in coal tar was based on its fluorescence properties. With the increasing use of fluorescence techniques, the vastly increased sensitivity over ultraviolet measurements has become generally apparent. In air sample extracts containing the four polycyclics, benzo[a]pyrene (BαP) benzo[k]-fluoranthene (BkF), benzo[g,h,i]perylene, (BghiP), and BαP, ultraviolet measurements for BαP are particularly, inaccurate. Fluorescence measurements of BαP are much more accurate, but some improvement in accuracy seems desirable. The present work deals with improvement of the fluorescence measurement of BαP. It now is possible to measure BαP in the presence of BkF with greatly increased accuracy. Interferences resulting from the presence of benzo[k]fluoranthene are now much lower.