A phase-shift analysis has been made of pp angular distribution measurements at 1.855, 4.203, 9.68, 9.73, 18.2, 19.8, 31.8, and 39.4 Mev. At 1.855 Mev, Coulomb effects plus the nuclear S-wave phase shift are sufficient to give agreement within experimental errors. At 10 Mev, S-, P-, and D-wave effects are apparent. At 40 Mev, F-wave components are also necessary. With the aid of the Clementel-Villi parametrization method, it has been possible to determine all of the least-squares fits to the angular distribution data in the S, P, D approximation. Polarization measurements and potential model calculations can be used to further restrict the allowable phase-shift sets. It is shown that angular distribution measurements with an accuracy of 0.1% would not lead to a unique set of phase shifts. Both double- and triple-scattering experiments are necessary in order to remove the ambiguity.