The Arctic Stratus Experiment, conducted during June 1980 over the Beaufort Sea, produced an extensive set of simultaneous measurements of boundary layer structure, radiation fluxes, and cloud microphysical properties. In this paper these data are used to determine the interactions between mixing, radiative transfer, and cloud microphysics for four cloud decks. The thermodynamic structure and fluxes of the thermodynamic quantities in the cloudy boundary layer are examined, including liquid water fluxes. Net radiative heating profiles are also determined. A detailed analysis of the fine-scale structure of the cloud microphysics is presented, including correlations between the cloud microphysical parameters (droplet concentration, liquid water content, mean radius, spectral dispersion, and the 95% volume liquid water drop radius), which are used to infer the nature of the mixing processes and the local effects of radiative heating/cooling. A comparison is then made with other observations and exist... Abstract The Arctic Stratus Experiment, conducted during June 1980 over the Beaufort Sea, produced an extensive set of simultaneous measurements of boundary layer structure, radiation fluxes, and cloud microphysical properties. In this paper these data are used to determine the interactions between mixing, radiative transfer, and cloud microphysics for four cloud decks. The thermodynamic structure and fluxes of the thermodynamic quantities in the cloudy boundary layer are examined, including liquid water fluxes. Net radiative heating profiles are also determined. A detailed analysis of the fine-scale structure of the cloud microphysics is presented, including correlations between the cloud microphysical parameters (droplet concentration, liquid water content, mean radius, spectral dispersion, and the 95% volume liquid water drop radius), which are used to infer the nature of the mixing processes and the local effects of radiative heating/cooling. A comparison is then made with other observations and exist...