Histochemical localization of glutathione in tissues.

A histochemical method has been developed for the localization of glutathione (GSH) in frozen sections from various tissues including liver, lung, kidney, testis and eye. The reliability and specificity of the method has been investigated by comparing the rates of reaction in tissue and gelatin sections and after depletion of GSH in liver by diethyl maleate. In principle, the method is based on the formation of an irreversible complex of mercury orange with the --SH group of GSH. A 5-min staining period was found to be optimal for staining the --SH group of GSH. In brief, frozen sections 8 mu thick are stained with a 50 muM solution of mercury orange dissolved in toluene, counterstained in 0.05 per cent methylene blue and mounted in Histoclad. Pretreatment of the sections with fixatives or drying them in air completely prevented the staining. In hepatic lobules the brick red granules of the GSH mercury orange complex were distributed uniformly, whereas in other tissues they were not uniform. The GSH staining was localized in the proximal convoluted tubules in the cortex of the kidney, the interalveolar epithelial cells of lungs, the epididymis and the capsule of testis, epithelial cells of vas deferens and the periphery of the lens.