Far Infrared Spectra of Rare-Earth Iron Garnets

Transmission measurements on a number of ferrimagnetic rare-earth iron garnets at low temperatures indicate that both collective and single-ion excitations are observable. Kaplan-Kittel exchange resonances, wherein a mutual precession of the iron and rare-earth sublattices occurs, have been observed at 2°K in YbIG (14.0 cm1), ErIG (10.0 cm1), SmIG (33.5 cm1), and HoIG (38.5 cm1). The exchange resonances are usually easily identified by their characteristic temperature dependence, which stems from the marked temperature dependence of the rare-earth sublattice magnetization. On the other hand, the single-ion transitions, resulting from transitions between rare-earth ion energy levels split by the crystalline electric field and the iron exchange field, are relatively independent of temperature below 70°K, because the iron sublattice producing the exchange field remains nearly completely ordered. The observation of single-ion transitions has permitted a rather detailed study of the fields acting on an individual rare-earth ion in the garnet structure. For example, measurement of the angular dependence and Zeeman shift of the exchange-split Kramers doublet of Yb3+ in YbIG indicates that both the spectroscopic g values of the ground doublet and the exchange field acting on the doublet are anisotropic. Also, a slight temperature dependence of the single-ion splitting in both ErIG and SmIG suggests that a weak ferromagnetic rare-earth-rare-earth coupling exists. Further, single-ion transitions from the ground state of the rare-earth ion to higher crystal-field states as modified by the iron exchange field have been identified in ErIG and HoIG, but a detailed level assignment has not been possible. Finally, the absence of observable single-ion transitions in GdIG confirms the predicted dependence of these on crystal field-induced inequivalence of rare-earth ions, which is negligible for an S-state ion such as Gd3+.