Use of QuantiFERON®‐TB Gold to investigate tuberculosis contacts in a high school

Background and objective: QuantiFERON®-TB Gold (QFT-G) was employed in a contact investigation in a high school to evaluate its performance in adolescents. Methods: Students of the same school grade as the index case were screened with tuberculin skin test (TST) and CXR examination as an initial contact investigation. QFT-G was performed for students demonstrating a positive TST (erythema larger than 30 mm). Results: Of 349 students whose TST was completed, 95 had positive TST responses, although the distribution of TST responses was similar for both high and low exposure groups. In contrast, only four of the 88 TST-positive students tested with QFT-G were positive by this test, and three of these were from the high exposure group. Chemoprophylaxis was provided to only those four QFT-G-positive students. Follow up of the 91 students who were TST-positive, but QFT-G-negative (or not tested), for more than 3.5 years revealed that none have developed active tuberculosis. Conclusions: QFT-G appears more specific than TST as contacts with positive TST and negative QFT-G responses were not offered prophylaxis and none developed tuberculosis during 3.5 years of follow up. The replacement of TST with QFT-G, or perhaps combined use of TST and QFT-G, may be more useful in diagnosing true infection and thus reducing the number of subjects indicated for chemoprophylaxis.