de Haas-van Alphen Effect in Arsenic by the Torque Method

The de Haas-van Alphen (dHvA) effect in arsenic has been studied using a torque magnetometer. Techniques were used employing detection of torque, first or second derivative of torque, and torque with magnetic field modulation. An effect that showed hysteresis and a discontinuity in each dHvA oscillation was observed. The effect is explained in terms of the finite angular compliance of the magnetometer coupled with the periodicity of the curve of torque versus reciprocal magnetic field. The dHvA periods are reported for the magnetic field in the bisectrix-trigonal, binary-trigonal, and binary-bisectrix planes. Long periods are from necks of hyperboloidal shape tipped -10°±1° from the trigonal direction. Short periods are from carriers of two sets of pockets with tilt angles of minimum area from the trigonal direction of +86°±1° for β carriers and +38°±1° for α carriers. These data support Lin and Falicov's model of the Fermi surface of arsenic.