Quadrupole Antishielding Factors, and the Nuclear Quadrupole Moments of Several Alkali Isotopes

The atomic antishielding factor R for the quadrupole hyperfine structure has been evaluated for the lowest three excited np states for each of the alkali atoms, i.e., for a total of fifteen atomic states. The values of R were determined by means of the perturbed wave functions v1(nll), as obtained by solving the inhomogeneous Schrödinger equation for each type of excitation of the core electrons by the nuclear quadrupole moment Q. In order to obtain reliable values of R, we have obtained accurate valence wave functions v(np) for the np excited states from the requirement that the calculated energy eigenvalues E0(np) should reproduce the observed energy levels. The wave function v(n0p) for the lowest valence np state (n=n0, e.g., n0=3 for Na) was checked for each alkali atom by calculating the oscillator strength fn0sn0p for the lowest n0snp transition. The calculated values of fn0sn0p were found to be in good agreement with experiment. As an example of the values of R(np) obtained, we have found for Rb: R(5p)=0.257; R(6p)=0.207; and R(7p)=0.190. The resulting correction factors C=1(1R) are C(5p)=0.796, C(6p)=0.829, and C(7p)=0.840. At the end of the paper we give the corrected values of Q for twelve alkali isotopes, for which experimental data are available, namely, for the following nuclei: Na23, K39, K40, K41, Rb85, Rb87, Cs131, Cs132, Cs133, Cs134, Cs135, and Cs137. We have also given a brief summary of the present experimental evidence supporting the existence of the quadrupole shielding and antishielding effects for atomic states.

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