Swarm Determination of the Cross Section for Momentum Transfer in Ethylene and in Ethylene Mixtures

Data are reported on the temperature dependence of electron‐swarm drift velocities w in ethylene. The analysis of the data gave a velocity‐independent cross section for momentum transfer, σE for ethylene at thermal electron energies. Using a constant σE, we investigated the dependence of wE/wM on gas concentration, where wE is the drift velocity in ethylene and wM that in mixtures of ethylene with a polar impurity P. Three regions of concentration were distinguished: initial, intermediate, and final. The initial region can provide information about the velocity dependence of σP, the intermediate (better suited for experimentation) can easily provide σP if the velocity dependence of σP is known, and the final region provides a new way to measure the drift velocity for pure polar compounds P by simply measuring wE/wM in mixtures of P with ethylene. The latter is extremely important when P cannot be studied alone.