Hormonal regulation of the micturition behavior of the dog.

Three canine micturitional postures are described. In the male there is an infantile standing position, giving way in the adult to elevation of one hind leg. In the infant and mature bitch a squatting position of the hind legs is assumed. Early castration of the male prevents development of the adult pattern; when the castration is performed after the 4th month, adult urinary habits emerge. If early castrates receive testosterone, or if the hormone is administered to normal male puppies the adult male pattern will occur at an early age. Testosterone admn. to normal and spayed bitches produced only occasional male behavior in one animal. In 2 new-born bitches, treated from the 3d day of life, the male pattern began at a relatively early age. The writers conclude: "The urinary posture of the dog is therefore a functional secondary sex character regulated by gonadal hormones." There is a brief discussion of the possible functional significance of micturitional patterns.