The classical twin study method was used to assess the relative contributions of genetic and environmental components to individual variation in several aspects of cognitive functioning. Tests of logico-mathematical concept formation, as well as vocabulary, nonverbal reasoning, and visual memory, were administered to 137 MZ and 72 DZ, same-sex white twin pairs. These children were individually tested on the Piagetian Mathematical Concepts Battery (PMCB), Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT), Raven Coloured Progressive Matrices (PM), and a Visual Memory (VM) test. The Attitudes Toward Education (ATE) questionnaire and the Moos [63] Family Environment Scale (FES) were used to collect additional data from the parents. Twins were 4 to 8 years old, with a mean age of 71 months, and most were from middle- and upper-middle-class families. Zygosity was determined from dermatoglyphic information and responses to a questionnaire asking mothers about twin similarities and confusion between the twins by others. These data were analyzed by a simple pair concordance procedure and by a discriminant function analysis. In addition, blood typing was done on 32 pairs for whom zygosity was not possible to determine by these methods. Previously reported patterns of intercorrelations among the 10 subscales of the FES, as well as the subscale structure, were verified by factor analysis. A factor analysis of the ATE yielded three factors: Basic Academic Education, Parental Participation, and General Utility of Education. These factors correlated significantly (P < 0.01) with various environmental indices (including father's occupation and education, Achievement Orientation, Expressiveness, etc). A factor analysis of the PMCB tasks gave some support for the existence of Piaget's underlying concepts of conservation of number, seriation, and classification. No sex differences were found for any of the specific cognitive abilities or any of the environmental variables. Correlations with age were substantial: 0.75 for PMCB, 0.70 for PPVT, 0.59 for PM, and 0.43 for VM. Because of the high correlations with age, the effect of age on these variables was partialed out in all further analyses. PMCB correlated most highly with PM (r = 0.41), and with PPVT (r = 0.36). Nonverbal reasoning and vocabulary were relatively independent of each other (r = 0.23). Correlations between visual memory and all other tests were low. MZ and DZ intraclass correlations for height and weight were similar to values reported in other studies. After correcting for test reliability, significant genetic variance (P < 0.01) was found for both PMCB and PPVT, and was suggested for VM. Genetic variance for PM was not significant (P > 0.05). Correction for reliability could not be employed in this case because an accurate estimate of the PM test–retest reliability is not available. There was no significant effect of age on the magnitude of the MZ or DZ intraclass correlations. A stepwise multiple regression on the environmental variables was performed for each cognitive test. The environmental variables considered were number of siblings, parental education and occupation, the 10 FES subscales, and the three ATE factors. Age was entered first in the regression equation for each test, and it accounted for 18% to 57% of the total variance in cognitive performance. Parental education accounted for 3% of the total variance in both PMCB and PPVT performance. This was considered as an environmental influence, but the possible confounding with a genetic element in parental IQ was discussed. Achievement Orientation exhibited a significant negative relationship (R2 = 0.02) with PM performance. Cohesion in the Family was positively related to PPVT performance (R2 = 0.02). In addition, Intellectual–Cultural Orientation predicted VM performance (R2 = 0.02). Overall, those environmental variables found to have a small effect suggest the value of a warm, stimulating, supportive (but not “pushy”) family environment for normal cognitive development in young children. Examination of the genetic and environmental results indicated that 49% of the variance in age-corrected PMCB performance was accounted for by the genetic variance (estimated from twin comparisons) and parental education. Similarly, variables identified in this investigation accounted for 60% of the variance in age-corrected PPVT performance, 29% of the age-corrected PM performance, and 32% of age-corrected VM performance. In conclusion, this was the first large twin study to find both genetic and environmental influences on the development of Piagetian logico-mathematical concepts and other specific cognitive abilities. The results illustrate the feasibility of investigating cognitive development in a theoretical framework such as Piaget's.