Enhanced Susceptibility to Sepsis After Simple Hemorrhage

• To determine whether phagocytosis mediated by Fc receptors and/or receptors for the third component of complement (C3b) are altered after hemorrhage, C3H/HeN mice were subjected to nonlethal hemorrhage and then adequately resuscitated. Twelve hours after the hemorrhagic episode, a significant decrease in both Fc (− 55.2%) and C3b (− 46.6%) receptor–positive peritoneal macrophages was observed compared with controls. At 24 hours the extent of the depression, while still marked, was only − 22.5% and −17.4% for Fc and C3b receptors, respectively. By day 3 after hemorrhage, no differences could be observed for either of these receptors. The capacity of macrophages from mice after hemorrhage to elaborate interleukin 1 or tumor necrosis factor-α showed no increase over that of the sham controls, and serum levels of endotoxin were not elevated 2 or 24 hours after hemorrhage. Moreover, endotoxin-tolerant C3H/HeJ mice also exhibited depression of both receptors after hemorrhage. Thus, the inability of the host macrophages to clear opsonized infectious agents after hemorrhage may be due in part to the loss of Fc and C3b receptors on macrophages. (Arch Surg.1990;125:70-75)