A Large Capacity, All-Glass Dispersion Oxygenator and Pump

A large capacity all‐Pyrex dispersion oxygenator and pump is described which is capable of substituting temporarily for the function of the heart and lungs. Blood is oxygenated by tiny bubbles of oxygen dispersed in the blood. These bubbles are coalesced on a polymethylsiloaxane surface and eliminated in a bubble trap which also serves as the pumping chamber. Pumping is accomplished by an alternating suction and pressure controlled by two electrodes, suspended in the chamber, which actuate two solenoid valves. The apparatus causes no significant damage to the red blood cells. The apparatus is portable, easily cleaned and sterilized, and inexpensive. Oxygenation, carbon dioxide elimination, temperature, pulsation rate and pressure, flow, and mean pressure can be controlled for various physiological studies. The blood volume of the apparatus is constant except for the stroke volume and in this respect resembles the normal heart.