Effects of a Take-Home Drug Prevention Program on Drug-Related Communication and Beliefs of Parents and Children

Five hundred and eleven fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students and their parents from six schools in northwest Arkansas participated in this study. Students were blocked on school and grade level, then assigned randomly by class to either the intervention Keep A Clear Mind (KACM) program or a waiting list control. KACM students received four weekly correspondence lessons designed to be completed at home with a parent. KACM students reported significantly less perceived peer use of alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana, as well as significantly less peer pressure susceptibility to experiment with cigarettes. Mothers in the KACM program reported significantly more recent and frequent communication with their children about refusing drugs, and significantly greater discussions with their children regarding how to resist peer pressure to use alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana. Intervention program fathers reported significantly more communication with their children concerning how to resist peer pressure to drink alcohol and use tobacco, and significantly greater motivation to help their children avoid drug use. No significant differences were found between groups on student intentions to use drugs. These data suggest a print medium that emphasizes parent-child activities holds promise for accessing families and enhancing drug prevention communication.