A morphometric analysis of the development of the rat lens capsule

This study analysed patterns of growth of the lens capsule by measuring capsule thickness at 13, 16 and 19 days of embryonic development and 2, 21, 140 and 600 days of post-natal development. The major findings were that, at early stages of embryonic development, the posterior capsule was thicker than the anterior capsule. However, at later stages, the posterior capsule did not increase in thickness whereas the anterior capsule continued to thicken so that, by 2 days of post-natal development, the situation was reversed and the anterior capsule was significantly thicker than the posterior capsule. This trend continued and by 600 days post-natal development, the anterior capsule was 7.5 times thicker than the posterior capsule. In these older lenses the capsule tapered sharply in thickness from the anterior to the posterior equatorial region. These regional differences in thickness of the lens capsule, and the changes reported during development, may reflect changes in capsule production by epithelial and fibre cells as they differentiate.