Annual, long‐term inundation of flood waters for 5–7 months has led to the development of survival strategies in terrestrial invertebrates of Central Amazonian floodplains. Strategies observed are given for terricolous and arboricolous species and include migrants and non‐migrants. Subadult and advanced juvenile stages of the symphylan Ribauliella amazonica Scheller pass inundation in a dormant state inside tree roots in the flooded soil. Reproduction in this univoltine species is restricted to the non‐inundation period. R. amazonica represents the terricolous non‐migrating invertebrate guild with dormant stages in naturally available retreats under water during annual inundation. The undescribed parthenogenetic centipede Lamyctes sp. is found to hatch from flood‐resistant eggs at the beginning of non‐inundation periods. Development is fast, with the first hemi‐edaphic post‐larvae being captured 6–8 weeks after the floods have receded. Their surface structure does not protect the strongly elevated stigmata from lethal inundation. Lamyctes sp. represents the terricolous non‐migrating invertebrate guild, with dormant egg stages under water during annual inundation.