The spin-lattice Hamiltonian for Nd3+ and U3+ ions in sites of tetragonal symmetry in calcium fluoride has been determined experimentally. The components of a spin-lattice coupling tensor were from measurements of the effect of static uniaxial stress on the ESR spectra of these ions. The effect of stress on the ions, which have Kramers-doublet ground states, was interpreted in terms of an effective spin-lattice Hamiltonian of the form HSL=ΣijmnGijmnemnHiSj, where emn is the lattice strain tensor, and Gijmn is the spin-lattice coupling tensor. Seven independent components of the G tensor were determined for each ion. The resulting spin-lattice Hamiltonian was used to calculate the strength of ultrasonic spin-resonance absorption and the direct one-phonon spin-lattice relaxation time for these ions. The calculated relaxation time is in serious disagreement with reported experimental measurements, but no verifiable explanation of this discrepancy has been found.