The First Tandem, All-exciplex-based WOLED

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Exploiting our recently developed bilayer interface methodology, together with a new wide energy-gap, low LUMO acceptor (A) and the designated donor (D) layers, we succeeded in fabricating an exciplex-based organic light-emitting diode (OLED) systematically tuned from blue to red. Further optimization rendered a record-high blue exciplex OLED with [eegr]ext of 8%. We then constructed a device structure configured by two parallel blend layers of mCP/PO-T2T and DTAF/PO-T2T, generating blue and yellow exciplex emission, respectively. The resulting device demonstrates for the first time a tandem, all-exciplex-based white-light OLED (WOLED) with excellent efficiencies [eegr]ext: 11.6%, [eegr]c: 27.7[emsp14]cd A-1, and [eegr]p: 15.8[emsp14]ml W-1 with CIE(0.29, 0.35) and CRI 70.6 that are nearly independent of EL intensity. The tandem architecture and blend-layer D/A (1:1) configuration are two key elements that fully utilize the exciplex delay fluorescence, providing a paragon for the use of low-cost, abundant organic compounds en route to commercial WOLEDs.

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