A close‐coupling channel computation of Ne*(3P0,2)–H2 (1+g, v=0) collisions, using the ab initio potentials given in a preceding paper, is reported. The molecule is considered as a rigid rotator. The autoionizing character of states dissociating into Ne* (2p53s)+H2 is ignored. Consequently Penning and chemi‐ionizations are not considered. Combined fine structure and rotational transitions are the only inelastic channels expected. By means of a deflation procedure, collision channels leading to Ne*(1P1) are shown to be negligible in the present energy range (E≤175 meV). The ‘‘fragment’’ basis (i.e., Ne*+H2 at infinite R) is adapted to the collision treatment since all off‐diagonal elements of the electronic Hamiltonian, including the spin–orbit interaction (static couplings) are small. The coupling of angular momenta ( j1=0,1,2 of Ne*, j2=0,2 of para‐H2, 1 of ortho‐H2, l for the relative motion) leads to 27 coupled equations for ortho‐H2 and 54 equations for para‐H2, for each value of the total angular momentum J. These equations are solved by using the algorithm of Gordon, and the 81×81 S matrix is derived. The rotational excitation ( j2=0→2) probability takes a maximum value of the order of 102 at J≊15.