Pollen grains from the near-isogenic inbreds, Oh 43 Rf1Rf1, Oh 43 rf1rf1, 106 Rf1Rf1, and 106 rf1rf1 were cultured on an artificial medium containing 15% sucrose and 0.6% bacto-agar supplemented with all possible combinations of two levels (0.00 and 0.03%) of calcium nitrate (Ca) and two levels (0.00 and 0.01%) of boric acid (B). At certain combinations of Ca and B, significant differences between the Rf1Rf1 and rf1rf1 genotypes were obtained for germination percentage, rupturing percentage, and pollen tube length. However, the effect of the Rf1 and rf1 alleles was not consistent in magnitude for both inbreds. Apparently, the Rf1 and rf1 alleles can alter certain in vitro germination characteristics but genetic background is also involved.