Cortical and subcortical projected foci in cats

The effects of local application of taurine and isethionic acid on the propagation of the epileptic activity to the mirror area in cats have been studied. Cortical and amygdaloid acute foci were induced by local administration of conjugated estrogens. Taurine proved to be effective in reducing and sometimes in abolishing the appearance of the epileptic propagated elements in the mirror area. When this agent was applied 30 minutes before the induction of the primary focus, the single spike transmission was reduced or prevented; however, the transmission of a seizure was not blocked. No changes in the transmitted phenomena were observed when isethionic acid was administered with the same technique as that used for taurine. The present study stresses the clear antiepileptic activity of taurine in this experimental model, ruling out the possibility of an unspecific interaction with the epileptogenic agents. Moreover, it is suggested that the deamination of taurine is not important for its antiepileptic action.