The EPR spectra of Gd3+, Yb3+, and Er3+ in diamagnetic garnet hosts have been measured as uniaxial pressures were applied to the crystal, and the parameters ∂gkl/∂εij and ∂Dkl/∂εij evaluated. A theory connecting these parameters with the magnetoelastic energy of the rare‐earth iron garnets has been developed, and the single‐ion contribution to the magnetostriction constants λ100 and λ111 of GdIG, YbIG, and ErIG calculated. In most cases the predicted single‐ion magnetostriction constants are of the same sign and within a factor of 2 of the observed magnetostriction constants at low temperatures. We conclude that single‐ion effects play a dominant role in the magnetoelastic behavior of the rare‐earth iron garnets.