Eye complications caused from or associated with hookworm disease have been known formany years. Rampolid,1in 1880, first mentioned these changes, and he described a patient, "who passed a great number of eggs in the stools and who only complained of slight asthenopia. The retina was discolored, characteristicof edema of this membrane." Another case in a woman "who died of hydremia caused from this disease, in which there was a true exudative retinitis in each eye." Later, in 1892, the same author describes a case of retinal hemorrhage, and also a case, in a girl of 19, in which he had observed a strabismus which rapidly disappeared when the patient was cured of the hookworm disease. In my search through the literature of the older writers on the subject ofAnkylostoma duodenaleor hookworm disease of the Old World, I could find but few references relating to eye-changes, and