Study ofO19by theO17(tp)O19andO18(d,p)O19Reactions

A tungsten oxide target enriched to 30% in O17 was bombarded with 12.0-MeV tritons and a similar target enriched to 50% in O18 was bombarded with 12.0-MeV deuterons. In both cases, emitted protons were analyzed using a broad-range multiangle spectrograph. The O18(d,p)O19 reaction was also studied at a bombarding energy of 11 MeV using a gas target and magnetic analysis. Energy levels up to 6.3-MeV excitation in O19 were determined and no evidence was found for the recently reported levels at 0.348 and 2.617 MeV. Angular distributions were measured and several new spin and parity assignments were made.