Calcium signaling in cultured rat oligodendrocytes

The syntax of neuronal‐glial or axonal‐glial interaction is frequently communicated through transient changes in internal calcium (Cai). We examined mechanisms for Cai signaling and intercellular propagation of Cai responses in cultured oligodendrocytes (OLGs) derived form adult spinal cord (SC), postnatal day 21 (P21) SC, and P21 brain. We found that (1) cultured OLGs exhibited a heterogeneous responese to norepinephrine, carbachol, ATP, histamine, and glutamate; (2) receptor‐mediated Cai increases were derived from both Ca2+ influx and intracellular Ca2+ release; (3) the percentage of responders to neuroligands varied as a function of cell origin; (4) cultured OLGs exhibited a thapsigargin‐sensitive, but not a caffeine‐sensitive, intracellular Ca2+ pool; and (5) gap junctional contacts between OLGs permitted limited intercellular propagation of mechanically stimulated Cai responses. Receptor‐mediated Cai signaling appears to occur not only in cultured OLGs but also in acutely dissociated OLGs. The heterogeneity in Cai responses as a function of cell origin may reflect the existence of OLG subsets of differences in the maturation stage of OLGs.