Ethnic and Gender Differences in the Diagnostic Profiles of Substance Abusers

The aim of the study was to evaluate ethnic and gender differences in the diagnostic profiles of patients first admitted to the alcohol/drug rehabilitation unit of a state hospital. The majority of the patients (66%) had more than one diagnosis. African-American patients were significantly more likely to have a single diagnosis, however. In terms of primary diagnosis, Mexican Americans were more likely to have an alcoholrelated disorder while African-Americans were more likely to have a drug related disorder Drug-related disorders also complicate the diagnostic profile of African-American patients who had a primary diagnosis of an alcohol-related disorder Ethnic differences in type of drug abused were observed. African Americans were more likely to use stimulants/hallucinogens, and Mexican Americans were more likely to use depressants. A drug-related disorder was the most common diagnosis among females across all ethnic groups. Findings pointto the need of developing gender/ethnic-sensitive treatment programs. Potential ethnic and gender biases in the diagnostic evaluation of substance abuse patients are discussed.