Effect of Proton-Phonon Coupling on the Ferroelectric Mode in KH2PO4

The low-frequency Raman spectra of crystal KH2PO4 are reexamined experimentally. For temperatures above the Curie point, the B2 spectra below 270 cm1 are fitted to the model of two coupled harmonic oscillators. When the proton-phonon-coupling effect is accounted for in this manner, the square of the uncoupled-ferroelectric-mode frequency ωa2 and the temperature-weighted inverse equivalent relaxation time Tτ are found to depend on the temperature linearly, contrary to previous interpretation. The extrapolated transition temperature of the uncoupled soft mode (30 °K) is much lower than 116°K as determined from the 1χ(0) plot. This discrepancy is attributable to the level repulsion of the proton-phonon coupling which forces the coupled mode to become soft at a higher temperature (116°K). The evidence presented suggests that the validity of the collective pseudospin model of KH2PO4 is questionable.