Bisulfite catalyzes transamination of cytidine at the N4 position; the suitability of this reaction for attaching reporter groups to selected cytidine residues in RNA molecules has been investigated. Poly(C) is nearly quantitatively converted to the poly (N4 aminoethyl-C) derivative after 3 hrs at 42 degrees C with ethylene diamine (pK1 = 7.6) and bisulfite. This derivative reacts quantitatively with N-hydroxysuccinimide esters; the linkage of a fluorescent dye, nitrobenzofurazan, to cytidine by this reaction is demonstrated. To direct the bisulfite reaction to selected cytidines within a large RNA molecule, the RNA is hybridized to complementary DNA containing a deletion. Only the cytidines in the single strand RNA loop (corresponding to the DNA deletion) are reactive. Two cytidines in the middle of a 340 base RNA fragment from 16S ribosomal RNA have been modified by this technique.