The activity coefficients of hydrofluoric acid in water from 0 to 35 C

The mean stoichiometric activity coefficients of hydrofluoric acid in aqueous solutions have been calculated from measurements of electrolytic conductivity, the electromotive forces of galvanic cells without liquid junction, and the freezing-point depression. Values obtained from freezing-point depressions were converted to values for 25 °C using known values of the heats of dilution and apparent molal heat capacities of aqueous solutions of hydrofluoric acid of various concentrations. It is also shown that values for the concentrations of the various ionic species in hydrofluoric acid, namely, H+, F, HF2¯, and HF depend on the functions used to represent the ionic activity coefficients whereas values of the mean activity, aH+aF, are independent of such functions. Values of the pH of various concentrations of hydrofluoric acid are given for temperatures of 0 to 35 °C; these, likewise, are nearly independent of activity-coefficient function used to obtain values for the ionic concentrations.