Structural changes, clustering, and photoinduced phase segregation inPr0.7Ca0.3MnO3

The structural properties of Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3 were studied by x-ray synchrotron and neutron-powder diffraction as a function of temperature (15<T<300 K), and as a function of x-ray fluence at 15 and 20 K. The temperature evolution of the lattice parameters and of the superlattice reflections is consistent with the development of charge and orbital ordering below TCO180 K, followed by antiferromagnetic ordering below TN 140 K, similar to what was previously observed for La0.5Ca0.5MnO3. Below TC120 K, the magnetic structure develops a ferromagnetic component along the a axis on the Mn ions. At low temperatures, a small ferromagnetic moment of 0.45(2)μB oriented in the same direction appears on the Pr ions as well. The observation in Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3 of significant lattice strain developing below TCO, as well as the development of a ferromagnetic component to the magnetic structure at TC120 K, can be interpreted in terms of the presence of ferromagnetic clusters with an associated lattice distortion from the average structure. At low temperatures, exposure to the x-ray beam produces a phase-segregation phenomenon, whereby the ferromagnetic droplets coalesce into larger aggregates. Further exposure results in a gradual melting of the charge-ordered phase and the formation of a second phase, recently shown to be a ferromagnetic metallic phase by Kiryukhin et al. [Nature (London) 386, 813 (1997)]. The ferromagnetic phase has a significantly smaller a lattice parameter and unit-cell volume (ΔV/V0.4%) than that of the charge-ordered phase.