We derive the asymptotic distribution of the maximum partial likelihood estimator β for the vector of regression coefficients β under a possibly misspecified Cox proportional hazards model. As in the parametric setting, this estimator β converges to a well-defined constant vector β*. In addition, the random vector n 1/2(β – β*) is asymptotically normal with mean 0 and with a covariance matrix that can be consistently estimated. The newly proposed robust covariance matrix estimator is similar to the so-called “sandwich” variance estimators that have been extensively studied for parametric cases. For many misspecified Cox models, the asymptotic limit β* or part of it can be interpreted meaningfully. In those circumstances, valid statistical inferences about the corresponding covariate effects can be drawn based on the aforementioned asymptotic theory of β and the related results for the score statistics. Extensive studies demonstrate that the proposed robust tests and interval estimation procedures...