Cell-to-cell channels with two independently regulated gates in series: Analysis of junctional conductance modulation by membrane potential, calcium, and pH

Summary We study cell-to-cell channels, in cell pairs isolated fromChironomus salivary gland, by investigating the dependence of junctional conductance (g j) on membrane potentials (E 1,E 2), on Ca2+, and on H+, and we explore the interrelations among these dependencies; we use two separate voltage clamps to set the membrane potentials and to measureg j. We findg j to depend on membrane potentials whether or not a transjunctional potential is present. The pattern ofg j dependence on membrane potentials suggests that each channel has two closure mechanisms (gates) in series. These gates pertain, respectively, to the two cell faces of the junction. By treating the steady-stateg j as the resultant of two simultaneous but independent voltage-sensitive open/closed equilibria, one within each population of gates (i. e., one on either face of the junction), we develop a model to account for the steady-stateg j vs.E relationship. Elevation of cytosolic Ca2+ or H+ at fixedE lowersg j, but at moderate concentrations of these ions this effect can be completely reversed by clamping to more negativeE. Overall, the effect of a change inpCa i or pH i takes the form of a parallel shift of theg j vs. E curve along theE axis, without change in slope. We conclude (1) that the patency of a cell-to-cell channel is determined by the states of patency of its two gates; (2) that the patency of the gates depends on membrane potentials (not on transjunctional potential), onpCa i , and on pH i ; (3) thatpCa i and pH i determine the position of theg j vs. E curve on theE axis; and (4) that neither Ca2+ nor H+ at moderate concentrations alters the volrage sensitivity ofg j.