The Respiratory System of Mallophaga

The respiratory system in Mallophaga has not hitherto been described in detail. Kellogg (1896, p. 45) gives the disposition of the main trunks in Tetrophthcdmus, together with a figure; Snodgrass (1899, p. 170) adds nothing to Kellogg's account; Fulmek (1907) dismisses the tracheal system with a paragraph; Shipley (1909) gives a detailed figure for Goniodes tetraonis which is neither complete nor altogether exact; and Mjöberg (1910), although devoting several pages of his morphological section to the respiratory system, is chiefly concerned with the occluding apparatus of the stigmata. He does, however, figure the main trunks in Eutrichophilus, and the occluding apparatus in Gyropus ovalis; and makes certain general statements which may be summarised as follows:

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