Polarization of Photoneutrons Produced from Deuterium by 2.75-MeV Gamma Rays

An earlier experiment has been modified by the addition of a spin-precessing solenoid to permit an improved measurement of the polarization of the neutrons from photodisintegration of deuterium. Monoenergetic 2.75-MeV gamma rays were obtained from Na24 and the neutron polarization was analyzed by scattering from magnesium. The polarization normal to the reaction plane was measured for γn laboratory angles from 30 to 150°. Empirical corrections were derived for neutron scattering in the deuterium source as well as in the Mg analyzer. Within the errors the polarization is found to be symmetric about 90°, consistent with the absence of noncentral forces. The magnitude is, however, (12±7)% smaller than that calculated by Kramer from E1M1 interference using effective-range theory. A major source of uncertainty in the experiment is the analyzing power of Mg. For a γn laboratory angle of 90°, the neutron polarization was also determined in the direction of the incident gamma ray. The result P<0.01 is consistent with the conservation of parity in the reaction.