Voltage-dependent channel formation by rods of helical polypeptides

The voltage-dependence of channel formation by alamethicin and its natural analogues can be described by a dipole flip-flop gating model, based on electric field-induced transbilayer orientational movements of single molecules. These field-induced changes in orientation result from the large permanent dipole moment of alamethicin, which adopts α-helical conformation in hydrophobic medium. It was, therefore, supposed that the only structural requirement for voltage-dependent formation of alamethicin-type channels might be a rigid lipophilic helical segment of minimum length. In order to test this hypothesis we synthesized a family of lipophilic polypeptides—Boc-(Ala-Aib-Ala-Aib-Ala) n -OMe,n=1–4—which adopt α-helical conformation forn=2–4 and studied their interaction with planar lipid bilayers. Surprisingly, despite their large difference in chain length, all four polypeptides showed qualitatively similar behavior. At low field strength of the membrane electric field these polypeptides induce a significant, almost voltage-independent increase of the bilayer conductivity. At high field strength, however, a strongly voltage-dependent conductance increase occurs similar to that observed with alamethicin. It results from the opening of a multitude of ion translocating channels within the membrane phase. The steady-state voltage-dependent conductance depends on the 8th–9th power of polypeptide concentration and involves the transfer of 4–5 formal elementary charges. From the power dependences on polypeptide concentration and applied voltage of the time constants in voltage-jump current-relaxation experiments, it is concluded that channels could be formed from preexisting dodecamer aggregates by the simultaneous reorientation of six formal elementary charges. Channels exhibit large conductance values of several nS, which become larger towards shorter polypeptide chain length. A mean channel diameter of 19 Å is estimated corresponding roughly to the lumen diameter of a barrel comprised of 10 α-helical staves. Similar to experiments with the N-terminal Boc-derivative of alamethicin we did not observe the burst sequence of nonintegral conductance steps typical of natural (N-terminal Ac-Aib)-alamethicin. Saturation in current/voltage curves as well as current inactivation in voltage-jump current-relaxation experiments are found. This may be understood by assuming that channels are generated as dodecamers but, while reaching the steady state, reduce their size to that of an octamer or nonamer. We conclude that the overall behavior of these synthetic polypeptides is very similar to that of alamethicin. They exhibit the same concentration and voltage-dependences but lack the stabilizing principle of resolved channel states characteristic of alamethicin.