Neutron Diffraction Study of the Magnetic Properties of Rare-Earth-Iron Perovskites

A neutron diffraction study has been made of the magnetic properties of the rare-earth-iron perovskites, NdFeO3, HoFeO3, and ErFeO3, at temperatures ranging from 955° to 1.25°K. The iron ions in each of these compounds undergo a transition to an antiferromagnetic configuration in which each moment has six oppositely directed moments at nearest neighbor distances. The Néel temperatures are 760°K, 700°K, and 620°K, respectively, for the compounds of Nd, Ho, and Er. The moment directions in HoFeO3 and ErFeO3 are parallel and antiparallel to the orthorhombic [100] direction at room temperature: at 43°K the moments are found to be in a (11¯0) plane. In HoFeO3 the iron-ion moments at 1.25°K are parallel to [001]; in ErFeo3 at the same temperature they are parallel to [110]. The magnitudes of the ordered iron moments at temperature saturation are 4.57, 4.60, and 4.62 Bohr magnetons in NdFeO3, HoFeO3, and ErFeO3, respectively. In the liquid helium temperature range, magnetic ordering transitions of the rare-earth ions in HoFeO3 (TN=6.5°K) and ErFeO3 (TN=4.3°K) are observed. The Er+3 ion moments form a nearly ideal antiferromagnetic configuration in which a chain of parallel moments is surrounded by four chains of oppositely directed moments at nearest neighbor distances. In this compound the Er+3 ion moments are parallel and antiparallel to [001] and at 1.25°K have a magnitude of 5.8 Bohr magnetons. In HoFeO3 the ions are ordered in a distorted antiferromagnetic configuration in which, at 1.25°K, each Ho+3 moment with magnitude of 7.5 Bohr magnetons, makes an angle, in the (001) plane, of about 27° with the [010] direction so as to produce a net ferromagnetic moment of 3.4 Bohr magnetons per HoFeO3 molecule parallel to [100].