A comprehensive two‐dimensional gel protein database of noncultured unfractionated normal human epidermal keratinocytes: Towards an integrated approach to the study of cell proliferation, differentiation and skin diseases

A two-dimensional (2-D) gel database of cellular proteins from noncultured, unfractionated normal human epidermal keratinocytes has been established. A total of 2651 [35S]methionine-labeled cellular proteins (1868 isoelectric focusing, 783 nonequilibrium pH gradient electrophoresis) were resolved and recorded using computer-aided 2-D gel electrophoresis. The protein numbers in this database differ from those reported in an earlier version due to changes in the scanning hardware (Celis et al., Electrophoresis 1990, 11, 242–254). Annotation categories reported include: “protein name” (listing 207 known proteins in alphabetical order), “basal cell markers”, “differentiation markers”, “proteins highly up-regulated in psoriatic skin”, “microsequenced proteins” and “human autoantigens”. For reference, we have also included 2-D gel (isoelectric focusing) patterns of cultured normal and psoriatic keratinocytes, melanocytes, fibroblasts, dermal microvascular endothelial cells, peripheral blood mononuclear cells and sweat duct cells. The keratinocyte 2-D gel protein database will be updated yearly in the November issue of Electrophoresis.