Hyphal fusions in the wood-rotting fungusSchizophyllum commune: I. The effects of incompatibility factors

SUMMARY: Effects of the incompatibility factors inSchizophyllum communeFries on the process of hyphal fusion are described. A role for the A incompatibility factor in hyphal fusion is indicated. Matings between strains with different mating types have higher fusion frequencies than matings between strains with the same mating types. Evidence is presented that the differences in fusion frequencies are not due to genetical factors other than mating types. When two strains of different mating types are grown in the same culture plate, but separated by a cellophane membrane, the strains are altered in some unexplained manner in such a way that even matings between strains of the same mating type have a higher fusion frequency than occurs in matings between compatible strains not so treated. Matings leading to the formation of common-B and dikaryotic mycelia have comparable fusion frequencies while those leading to the formation of common-A mycelia have a far lower frequency of fusions. It has been demonstrated that high fusion frequency is associated with heterozygosity at the A locus. It is suggested that a repression–derepression mechanism involving a cell wall degrading enzyme or enzymes may be involved in the regulation of hyphal fusion.