Although silicon is the material of choice in the semiconductor industry, it has one serious disadvantage: it is an extremely poor optoelectronic material. This is because it is an indirect gap semiconductor, in which radiative transition results in extremely weak light emission in the infrared part of the spectrum. Thus, the discovery of strong visible luminescence from a silicon-based material (porous silicon) has been quite surprising and has generated significant interest, both scientific and technological. This material differs from bulk silicon in one important way, in that it consists of interconnected silicon nanostructures with very large surface to volume ratios. Although the first mechanism proposed to explain this emission process involved carrier recombination within quantum size silicon particles, more recent work has shown that the surface chemistry appears to be the controlling factor in this light emission process. Thus, the aim of this work is to outline the data and arguments that have been presented to support the quantum confinement model, along with the shortcomings of such a model, and to examine more recent models in which the chemical and structural properties of the surface regions of the nanostructures have been incorporated.