Organ-Specific Antigens of Liver, Testicle and Pituitary

Fractions of bovine liver, testicle and anterior pituitary obtained by extraction at 100°C followed by ethanol precipitation were used as immunizing and in vitro antigens. By the use of rabbit immune sera, organ-specific antigens were demonstrated in these three organs. Liver- and testicle-specific antigens each gave one precipitation line, whereas two precipitation lines were formed with the preparation of anterior pituitary. Liver and testicle antigens were serologically unrelated, and neither of them was related to previously described organ-specific antigens of adrenal and brain which were encountered in similarly prepared organ fractions. Antisera to anterior pituitary combined with antigenic preparations of posterior pituitary, although this reaction was considerably weaker than the homologous reaction with the anterior pituitary antigen. Antisera to anterior pituitary cross-reacted with an adrenal preparation; the reaction pattern indicated that one of the two thermostable antigens characteristic for pituitary is shared by adrenal.